I have always taken good care of myself. I exercised, maintained my weight, never smoked, drank socially, kept my gynae…
I realised that I didn't do my update on my blog! This week has been a whirlwind since getting my…
I used to live in past and worry about the future all the while missing out on the present. We…
Hi there, So, I have made a conscious decision to start posting regularly - call it journaling if you like!…
I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram…
Friday had been a long day, Arabella, my daughter was on on her third day off school with a sore…
It's been a long time since I have felt like writing or doing much of anything to be honest. As…
A routine MRI of my liver on 11th October revealed a 30 x 11 mm lesion (still small) on the…
Why? Why? Why? How many times have you asked yourself this question? It’s not an exclusive question to someone who…
Life as I know it - The beginning of 2012 I thought: ‘Why is my leg so painful? Maybe…