I have always taken good care of myself. I exercised, maintained my weight, never smoked, drank socially, kept my gynae…
Where is there? It's the future, even just a few weeks ahead gives me palpitations. My husband I had a…
I used to live in past and worry about the future all the while missing out on the present. We…
I faced death right in the eye on the 8th August 2019 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon…
I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram…
I just wanted to pop on and send a special message to my friends who are on active treatment or…
To think about when my story began, I guess it would have to be New Year’s Eve 2000. I went…
When we talk about cancer, we use stages to determine where the cancer cells have traveled. When I was first…
'Benjamin Anthony Millard, our son, Abigail and Stephanie’s brother, was a husband, stepdad, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend. We all…
We all have to fight for something in our lives. I have always had a fighting spirit and one of…