I have always taken good care of myself. I exercised, maintained my weight, never smoked, drank socially, kept my gynae…
I realised that I didn't do my update on my blog! This week has been a whirlwind since getting my…
Hi there, So, I have made a conscious decision to start posting regularly - call it journaling if you like!…
I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram…
Friday had been a long day, Arabella, my daughter was on on her third day off school with a sore…
It's been a long time since I have felt like writing or doing much of anything to be honest. As…
A routine MRI of my liver on 11th October revealed a 30 x 11 mm lesion (still small) on the…
Why? Why? Why? How many times have you asked yourself this question? It’s not an exclusive question to someone who…
So, you had cancer and want to start exercising, this post is a no frills look at the benefits of…
Ever since cancer came along, my reading list changed to include books talking about diet, exercise, mental health, breathing etc…