• Breast cancer,  Health

    The makings of a breast cancer warrior

    Denise Reddy (58) lives in Kempton Park, Gauteng with her husband. They have two children and one grandson. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2019. A few days before, I woke up due to severe pain in my left breast. As I touched it, a lump was evident. I couldn’t fall back to sleep. The next day I went to a hospice and the nurse examined my breast and referred me for a mammogram. After the sonar and mammogram, a biopsy was done. I tried to remain calm. Four days later, I was told I had breast cancer; this was the worst day of my life. The tumour…

  • breast cancer survivor
    Breast cancer,  Health

    Lindie Liebenberg – Breast Cancer Survivor

    I have always taken good care of myself. I exercised, maintained my weight, never smoked, drank socially, kept my gynae appointments and had mammograms done from age 40 every three years, so I was not likely to be a breast cancer candidate, right? Wrong! In January 2019 taking a shower after a Pilatus class, I felt a golf-ball size lump in my left breast in the upper middle section. Painless, but clearly visible. 7 February 2019 After many tests and scans, I was diagnosed with stage 3 left metastatic breast carcinoma cancer Luminal B HER2 negative, hormone sensitive, estrogen and progesterone positive, aggressive with a KI 86% growth rate. It…

  • Health,  Nutrition

    5 health benefits of a plant based diet

    I wanted to reassure anyone who is wavering or unsure about whether a plant based diet is good for us! Often, we hear people criticise this diet, and we have all heard the old chestnut “Are you eating enough?!” Ironic isn’t it, when our foods are packed with nutrients!! However, it can also make us think twice. I am here to show you that eating a well balanced whole food plant based diet is beneficial to our health.   1. Supports your immune system Fruits and vegetables have essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants to help keep your cells healthy and your body & mind in balance so that your immune system can function…

  • Health,  Mindset

    And breathe….

    I realised that I didn’t do my update on my blog!  This week has been a whirlwind since getting my PET scan results because we are travelling the week and I have so much to get ready!  Anyway, my PET scan didn’t show anything new and ominous and in the words of my oncologist “It’s very, very good!” which is the best news ever! My husband and I were talking about the differences in how we feel – the waiting zone and the good news zone – it’s literally two separate worlds! That surge of relief and happiness is quickly followed by complete exhaustion from the anxiety! No matter how…

  • Mental Health

    But I don’t want to go there…

    Where is there? It’s the future, even just a few weeks ahead gives me palpitations. My husband I had a feedback session with my daughter’s psychologist this week. She was talking about Arabella’s schooling and how there’s a good high school called bla bla in bla bla near where we live….it was only chit chat but I secretly sat there wanting to cry. I cannot deal with the future because, I am scared I may not be there and I have worked so hard to live in the present moment, but that doesn’t mean that the future doesn’t pop up though! I had to calm my thoughts and recenter –…

  • Fitness,  Mindset,  Nutrition

    What’s stopping you?

    I used to live in past and worry about the future all the while missing out on the present. We have heard it before life changing events can change our perspectives and I for one, learnt about gratitude and to focus on today. In fact the future terrifies me now so much that I rarely go into that territory! As for the past, well what can I change? Nothing, so why bother. I have dealt with certain traumas and accepted them for what they are. I am sure on a subconscious level, things still lurk about but I can’t control that. Life has become so much lighter, stress has been…

  • Fitness,  Mindset,  Nutrition

    How I start my day and why

    Hi there, So, I have made a conscious decision to start posting regularly – call it journaling if you like! I created this space to share my cancer experiences as well as others; and well I have neglected it! However, I want to make this a space about all parts if me, not just the cancer part. That means chatting about things that I am passionate about. You should all know by now that I am plant based – if you don’t know, I switched to a PB lifestyle after my first liver resection and have never looked back! Goes without saying, I will be chatting lots about this and…

  • Health,  Nutrition

    What has been your journey to today?

    I faced death right in the eye on the 8th August 2019 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which had mestastisized to my liver (& at the time we thought the lung also but luckily it hadn’t), time froze & I remember almost leaving my body. It still haunts me to this day, the surreal feeling of that news because let’s face it, the mention of stage 4 to someone that knew nothing about cancer was not good. The mind only goes in one direction. How did this happen? I’m a mom. I can’t die. My child. Absolute panic beyond words. But somehow, I got myself together…

  • Health,  Nutrition

    I want to share a secret!

    I have been busy working on a new project which I am so excited to share with you! After my first liver resection, I became fully plant based (no animal or fish products). I had previously swapped out dairy milks with plant milks and over time removed all animal products. I found that I had more energy, no bloating, improved digestion, bowel movements and moods, and I have no guilt about what’s on my plate! When I had my second liver resection and post-op infection, I credit my plant based diet to my quick recovery. There are endless benefits to a plant based lifestyle, including health, ethical and environmental!  …

  • Health,  Mental Health

    Life as I currently know it

    I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram stories so some of you miss them! Quick recap for those who don’t know me that well. I had a recurrence of colon/bowel cancer mets in my liver October 2021. A 3cm lesion was cut out and I went into remission AGAIN! I’m currently on IV Oxaliplatin three weekly. Side effects (I get are neuropathy, nothing cold at all or my digits do all kinds of weird things and my throat closes. Bad nausea and overall exhaustion. I am up and about but I can’t drive until at least day…