I have always taken good care of myself. I exercised, maintained my weight, never smoked, drank socially, kept my gynae…
I realised that I didn't do my update on my blog! This week has been a whirlwind since getting my…
I used to live in past and worry about the future all the while missing out on the present. We…
I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram…
A routine MRI of my liver on 11th October revealed a 30 x 11 mm lesion (still small) on the…
Life as I know it - The beginning of 2012 I thought: ‘Why is my leg so painful? Maybe…
To think about when my story began, I guess it would have to be New Year’s Eve 2000. I went…
Ever since cancer came along, my reading list changed to include books talking about diet, exercise, mental health, breathing etc…
When we talk about cancer, we use stages to determine where the cancer cells have traveled. When I was first…
'Benjamin Anthony Millard, our son, Abigail and Stephanie’s brother, was a husband, stepdad, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend. We all…