• Fitness,  Mindset,  Nutrition

    What’s stopping you?

    I used to live in past and worry about the future all the while missing out on the present. We have heard it before life changing events can change our perspectives and I for one, learnt about gratitude and to focus on today. In fact the future terrifies me now so much that I rarely go into that territory! As for the past, well what can I change? Nothing, so why bother. I have dealt with certain traumas and accepted them for what they are. I am sure on a subconscious level, things still lurk about but I can’t control that. Life has become so much lighter, stress has been…

  • Health,  Mental Health

    Life as I currently know it

    I have not updated in like forever ( I say that on every post!) and they’re always on my Instagram stories so some of you miss them! Quick recap for those who don’t know me that well. I had a recurrence of colon/bowel cancer mets in my liver October 2021. A 3cm lesion was cut out and I went into remission AGAIN! I’m currently on IV Oxaliplatin three weekly. Side effects (I get are neuropathy, nothing cold at all or my digits do all kinds of weird things and my throat closes. Bad nausea and overall exhaustion. I am up and about but I can’t drive until at least day…

  • Mental Health

    I was laying on my sofa….

    Friday had been a long day, Arabella, my daughter was on on her third day off school with a sore throat and runny nose. Even when she is poorly, she has so much energy and doesn’t understand the concept of rest; she’s six.  By the evening, she had fallen asleep next to me on the sofa, she plays with my hair to comfort her; something she has done since a baby and something she has never grown out of. I don’t mind, it also brings me comfort having her so close to me and feeling needed. It is in those quiet moments, when I feel so much unconditional and crazy love…

  • Health,  Mental Health

    What can I say?

    It’s been a long time since I have felt like writing or doing much of anything to be honest. As you know, I had a recurrence in August this year which required surgery to remove the small lesion (3cm) from the remaining liver. Surgery successfully removed the lesion and I was home after four days. I was recovering well but then started to feel fluish and was waking up with severe headaches. I went over to see Adam, my oncologist and bloods revealed an infection with CRP markers at 239, five being normal. I had a CT of the area, and they found an abscess measuring 5 cm by 7 cm,…

  • Breast cancer,  Cancer

    Martin’s Marathon

    Martin Scheeper is running this year’s SANLAM Cape Town Marathon supporting and raising funds for the Filotimo Cancer Project. Martin is an ambassador for Filotimo, a charity he holds very close to his heart. Martin became involved with the charity when his partner Nikki, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. Nikki was a Cancer Champion for Filotimo and was an avid campaigner, raising awareness about breast and all cancers. I had the privilege of meeting Nikki once at the Filotimo Charity Run, and I was in awe of despite how ill she was, she showed up with a smile on her face to support others; truly inspiring! Martin is…

  • Bowel cancer,  Health,  Mental Health,  Positivity

    Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

    Following the birth of her eldest daughter in 2013, Laura Stephenson gave birth to twin girls on April 25th 2017.  There was huge excitement among all the family, her mother, her two sisters, in-laws and of course myself, her dad. Two identical girls that arrived amidst lots of questions:-  Are there twins in the family , how do you feed two at the same time, do they both sleep at the same time, will Mum and Dad get any more sleep, the need for a twin pram, can we fit 3 car seats in the back of the car.  Lots of questions all based around the twins.  In the middle…